April 10, 2010

Johnathan's new best friend...

So Johnathan has been wanting a dog for a while... He asked again for his birthday and HOW could I say no? I don't need another thing to care for but he has me wrapped around his little finger! And the kicker is that when his mom is around he is mean to me! LOL! When she is not around I am mama and he loves on me but she's always around now so I have gotten headbutted twice in the nose this month! LOL! No he isn't that mean... He just likes to get my goat and play mean to me.

So anyway we adopted a small black dog today who is so sweet! He was a stray and you have to earn his trust because he is timid and shy. But SOOOO cute!! I call him Buggy because he's a cuddle bug! :) So far he is in love with Becca but I plan to change that mwahahahahaha!

Johnathan loves him! Lets see how long the newness lasts! LOL!

1 comment:

  1. As long as you he is happy who cares what you guys like LMAO j/k Glad to hear you have something new to help keep him busy! Can't wait to meet him!
